As a leader in bioidentical hormone therapy in Arkansas, our pharmacists consult with patients daily about the importance of keeping our sex hormones balanced. We’ve compiled this resource to help you understand how your sex hormones keep you healthy and feeling your best, as well as how they work and ways you can prevent or treat an imbalance. If you find that you love this article, please consider sharing it with someone who would benefit from it! 


Healthy older woman practicing yoga

What is Hormone Imbalance?

Hormone imbalance occurs when there is too much or too little of a hormone in the bloodstream, which can cause bodily dysfunction. Everyone’s sensitivity to hormone imbalance is different, which is why it’s important to work with a specialist to understand which hormones are out of balance, why they are out of balance and your personalized treatment options.

Hormone imbalance can be caused by genetic factors, environmental hazards, diet, aging and natural changes such as puberty, menstruation and pregnancy.

The bottom line is that hormone imbalances are complex and require specialized care to treat effectively.


Why Sex Hormones Really Matter

Sex hormones are essential to the optimal functioning of MANY bodily processes in men and women. They play an important role in reproductive and nonreproductive systems including developing muscle and bone mass, regulating metabolism, supporting cognitive function, contributing to our cardiovascular systems, regulating our moods and more! Read on to learn more about how imbalanced sex hormones can impact our well-being.
Older woman working out to help naturally balance her hormones

Estrogen: Functions, Symptoms of Imbalance, and More

Estrogen, which occurs naturally in both males and females, helps regulate the growth, development and physiology of our reproductive systems. It also contributes to the function of our cognitive health, bone health, and cardiovascular systems. In short, it’s really important!

Estrogen is produced primarily by the ovaries in females and testes in males. Females do produce more estrogen, however, both men and women can experience estrogen imbalance (especially as a result of aging).

Graphic of Hormone Imbalance in Women

Graphic by

It is normal for estrogen levels to fluctuate with age, as shown above, and throughout the menstrual cycle in women.

Symptoms of estrogen deficiency can include hot flashes, dry skin and hair, depression, vaginal dryness, palpitations and night sweats. If a woman is experiencing estrogen dominance, a term used to describe when estrogen levels are high compared to progesterone levels, she may experience weight gain, heavy or light periods, worse PMS than usual, fatigue, fibroids in the uterus, fibrocystic lumps in the breasts, low sex drive, mood swings or anxiety.

In men, enlarged breasts, difficulty getting or maintaining an erection and infertility can be symptoms of estrogen dominance.

Factors That Can Contribute to Estrogen Dominance

Creating healthy lifestyle habits is critical to maintaining optimal hormonal balance. Some factors that have been shown to increase estrogen levels include:

    • Obesity – fat produces estrogen and obesity can lead to elevated estrogen levels
    • Stress – The hormone, cortisol, is increased during periods of stress. Cortisol has been shown to deplete progesterone levels, which can cause estrogen dominance
    • Alcohol – Alcohol makes it more difficult for your body to metabolize estrogen, which can elevate the levels of this hormone
    • Medications – Certain medications can elevate estrogen levels. Be sure to speak with your healthcare provider about any medications you are taking
    • Health Conditions – Certain health conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and certain cancers can elevate estrogen levels

image of Pregnant woman

Progesterone: Functions, Symptoms of Imbalance and More

In women, progesterone is produced in a structure called the corpus luteum, which is part of the female ovaries. Progesterone is a sex hormone that is crucial to healthy sexual function, especially when it comes to healthy pregnancies, menstrual cycles and fertility.

Like estrogen, levels of progesterone naturally decline with age. Symptoms of progesterone deficiency in women include all of the symptoms of estrogen dominance listed above as well as heavy or painful periods, headaches, low libido, fatigue, breast tenderness and other symptoms.

In men, progesterone is produced by the adrenal glands and testes and is a precursor to testosterone synthesis in the body. In instances of progesterone deficiency in men, they can experience low libido, hair loss, weight gain, fatigue, depression, increased breast development, erectile dysfunction, impotence, bone loss or muscle loss.

Factors That Can Contribute to Progesterone Deficiency

Progesterone is produced during the ovulation cycle in females, so conditions that disrupt this process are likely to contribute to progesterone deficiency. Some conditions may include:

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (POS) – POS can cause an ovulation or the lack of ovulation
  • Thyroid Issues – Hypothyroidism can cause an imbalance in the critical hormones that regulate the entire endocrine system, including sex organs.
  • Chronic Stress – Prolonged levels of high cortisol, our stress hormone, can create stress-induced lack of menstruation and ovulation
  • Low Body Fat – Maintaining a healthy body composition is crucial to the optimal functioning of our bodies. Women who are low in body fat may cease to menstruate or ovulate entirely
  • Obesity – Obesity can inhibit progesterone production, leading to a deficiency

Men of Cornerstone Pharmacy and Compounding

Testosterone: Functions, Symptoms of Imbalance, and More

Testosterone is frequently associated with males, but is naturally produced and totally necessary for the female body as well! Testosterone regulates sperm production in men and sex drive in adults. It also plays an important role in bone and muscle mass, mood regulation, concentration and cardiovascular health.

In women, low testosterone may present itself as low energy, reduced bone strength and muscle mass, decreased stamina, poor concentration and depression. Men who are experiencing low T may notice decreased sex drive, less energy, weight gain, feelings of depression, moodiness, low self-esteem, and less body hair or thinner bones.

Factors That Can Contribute to Testosterone Deficiency

You guessed it – aging commonly contributes to lower levels of testosterone! In addition to this natural decline in hormone levels, other factors may include:

  • AIDS – AIDS can affect the body’s ability to make hormones and maintain healthy hormone levels, particularly hormones produced in the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and testes
  • Kidney Disease – Dysfunction of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis has been found to occur at higher rates in males with late stage kidney disease compared to the general population
  • Alcohol Consumption – Heavy alcohol consumption can impact the testes’ ability to produce testosterone
  • Cirrhosis of the Liver – Studies have shown a link between cirrhosis of the liver and low testosterone in males due to a disruption of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland cofunction

Hormone Tests Available at Cornerstone Pharmacy and Compounding

How Can I Check My Hormonal Balance?

A few simple tests can determine which sex hormones are out of balance. One is a blood test by your primary care provider or another specialist. Hormone imbalances can also be determined via a saliva test, which is also a simple test that involves collecting a saliva sample for testing. Also, dried urine testing such as the Dutch Test can be very beneficial. These testing methods are all based on personal preference or preference of your provider. We offer ZRT Saliva and Dutch Urine Testing right here at Cornerstone Pharmacy and Compounding. To make an appointment and purchase your test, click here.

Treatments for Sex Hormone Imbalance

There are a lot of ways that you can take optimal care of your body and, in turn, help to naturally balance your hormones and prevent imbalances. However, there are some instances where a healthy diet and body weight, regular exercise and reducing stress may not be enough to balance sex hormones. Certain health conditions, such as the ones listed throughout this article, aging and other factors may play a role in your need for specialized hormonal balance care.

Healthy Diet

A healthy diet that promotes sex hormone balance should include fatty fish, avocados, coconut oil, and nuts to provide your body with the healthy cholesterol that it needs to synthesize steroid hormones.

You may also want to consider adding plenty of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and other green leafy vegetables. These help our liver excrete excess hormones that can contribute to an imbalance.

Additionally, avoiding certain foods and beverages can help you maintain a healthy body weight and reduce the risk of imbalance. You may want to limit refined carbs (think sweet, prepackaged foods), fried foods, and excessive alcohol consumption.

Lastly, drinking plenty of water is always a great addition to a healthy diet! Plus, it helps you feel fuller for longer.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Regular Exercise

The CDC recommends that adults get “150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and 2 days of muscle strengthening activity” per week. Not only will this help improve your mood, focus, body composition and cardiovascular health, but this will also help prevent estrogen dominance.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy body weight goes both ways – you can have too little body fat or you may be carrying around a few too many pounds. Keep in mind that if you are struggling to lose weight, that can be an indicator that you are experiencing hormonal imbalance.

To assist in maintaining a healthy weight, it’s recommended to drink plenty of water and be sure to eat foods high in fiber. This helps promote healthy digestion and helps you curb your appetite.

Managing Stress Effectively

Stress is very common in our modern lives, but it can be managed with some effort, professional support and scientifically proven methods. Some ways to help manage stress include going to therapy or counseling, regular exercise, enjoying quality time with loved ones, getting enough sleep, mindfulness practice or meditation. Just don’t try to do all of these at one time. Please keep in mind that a sex hormone imbalance can result in increased stress.

Getting Enough Quality Sleep

Quality sleep helps our bodies repair and restore themselves. Getting enough sleep each night is crucial to helping our bodies function at their best. Some tips to help you sleep better at night include creating a wind-down routine that incorporates reading or another soothing, screenless activity. You may also consider leaving your phone in another room and making sure your bedroom is cool and dark enough for quality ZZZs.

Vitamins and Supplements Available at Cornerstone Pharmacy and Compounding

Adding Supplements to Your Diet

In case of aging or other health conditions, it may be beneficial to boost your nutrients with a high-quality supplement routine. At Cornerstone Pharmacy and Compounding, we offer supplement consultations to help you choose the best supplements for your health needs. We are also proud to offer some of the highest-quality supplements on the market. You can schedule a consultation with us here and shop our supplements on our website.

Brittany Marsh, Owner of Cornerstone Pharmacy and Compounding

Consulting With a Specialist About Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy is an effective means of treatment that many individuals lean on when experiencing negative side effects of aging or other hormone-imbalance health conditions.

Hormone replacement therapy requires specialized levels of care, including a prescription written by a licensed doctor. If you are interested in learning more about HRT, please contact one of our compounding pharmacists and we can help you identify hormone imbalances and partner with a physician to ensure the highest level of HRT possible.

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