Hormone Therapy (Near Me)2023-12-08T21:39:26+00:00

Our Approach to Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Our Approach to Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

at Cornerstone Pharmacy & Compounding

Our hormone specialists at Cornerstone Pharmacy & Compounding ensure you receive the highest quality of care when it comes to hormone replacement therapy. As a longstanding and reputable source for bioidentical hormone therapy, we are dedicated to helping you improve your quality of life through hormone balancing.

Whether male or female, it is necessary to complete either a saliva or urine test before scheduling an initial consultation. These are non-invasive and stress-free tests that allow us to determine the amount of hormones available to act in the body. Cornerstone Pharmacy & Compounding has saliva and urine tests available for purchase online or in-store. You may pick one up from our pharmacy or we can ship it to you.

If our pharmacists determine that you may benefit from hormone replacement therapy after a thorough review of your testing results, medical history, and family medical history, we will help you obtain a prescription-based hormone therapy written by your physician.

It is of utmost importance that you are provided a specialized level of care when taking hormone therapy, as we want to ensure you are seeing and feeling improvements with the lowest dose for the shortest amount of time possible, which varies from person to person. We work closely with many reputable clinics in Little Rock and surrounding areas and will direct you to those providers appropriately to ensure you receive the best care through the patient-physician-pharmacist triad.

Our Approach to Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Below are our listed prices for test kits and hormone consultations.

$575 – DUTCH Test Kit (Urine Test) with Consultation (Best Value)
$500 – DUTCH Test Kit (Urine Test)
$375 – ZRT Saliva Kit with Consultation (Best Value)
$300 – ZRT Saliva Kit
$285 – Adrenal Stress Saliva Kit with Consultation
$210 – Adrenal Stress Saliva Kit
$215 – Hormone Saliva Kit Trio (Estrogen, Testosterone, Progesterone) with Consultation
$140 – Hormone Saliva Kit Trio (Estrogen, Testosterone, Progesterone)
$100 – Consultation with Hormone Specialist
$75 – Consultation with Supplement Specialist

About Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is most commonly used to treat negative effects associated with menopause, postmenopause or early menopause, although men may also benefit from this type of treatment. BHRT involves replacing the hormones that your body naturally begins to produce less of over time, including estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Women may benefit from BHRT if you are experiencing the following symptoms: 

  • Moderate to severe hot flashes 
  • Vaginal dryness, itching, burning, or irritation during intercourse 
  • Decreased bone density (often a symptom of menopause) 
  • Are experiencing early menopause or you have an estrogen deficiency 
  • And others 

Men may experience: 

  • Unexplained, sudden weight loss 
  • Increased sweating 
  • Difficulty sleeping 
  • Dry skin or rashes 
  • Changes in sensitivity to heat and cold 
  • Brittle or weak bones 
  • And others 

Women may benefit from BHRT if you are experiencing the following symptoms: 

  • Moderate to severe hot flashes 
  • Vaginal dryness, itching, burning, or irritation during intercourse 
  • Decreased bone density (often a symptom of menopause) 
  • Are experiencing early menopause or you have an estrogen deficiency 
  • And others 

Men may experience: 

  • Unexplained, sudden weight loss 
  • Increased sweating 
  • Difficulty sleeping 
  • Dry skin or rashes 
  • Changes in sensitivity to heat and cold 
  • Brittle or weak bones 
  • And others 

BHRT may be administered in a variety of forms depending on the underlying symptoms you are experiencing. These may include capsules, patches, creams, suppositories, dissolvable tablets and others. Working together with your doctor, we will be able to determine the form of administration that works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions
About Hormone Therapy

Who may benefit from hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?2022-03-29T19:18:51+00:00

Women and men ages 40+ may benefit from HRT. This is around the age that we begin to produce less of the sex hormones that keep us well-regulated. If you are experiencing symptoms of menopause or aging, you may benefit from HRT.

What are the signs that I may need HRT?2022-09-20T22:12:17+00:00

Because of the breadth of effects caused by decreased production of sex hormones, there may be many signs that you could benefit from HRT. The most common symptoms in women include but are not limited to moderate to severe hot flashes, vaginal dryness or irritation and decreased bone density. 

In men, the most common symptoms we see include new onset of symptoms such as unexplained weight loss, excessive sweating, difficulty sleeping, headaches, dry skin or rashes, changes in temperature sensitivity, weak bones and others.

If you are experiencing more than one symptom or your symptoms are severe enough to interfere with your daily life, we recommend scheduling a test kit and a Hormone Consultation.

How much does it cost to start HRT?2022-09-20T22:14:42+00:00

HRT has higher costs associated with starting treatment as your doctor or specialist may order blood tests, saliva tests, urine tests, or other examinations. At Cornerstone Pharmacy and Compounding, our hormone consultations are $75, testing services are usually betwen $195 to $300, and our hormone treatments typically cost $40 to $80 a month. Ongoing checkups will be required to ensure the best, individualized care.

How do you start taking HRT?2022-09-20T22:15:48+00:00

The first steps to determining if HRT may benefit you is to take a saliva or urine test and schedule a Hormone Consultation if you are struggling with any of the listed symptoms or if you have goals for your overall health.

From there, we will work with you one-on-one to review your hormone test results, health goals, medical history and concerns to ensure HRT is a good solution for you. Then, we will work with your doctor or a reputable clinic to secure an HRT prescription. To ensure specialized care, we will schedule ongoing checkups to see how your treatment plan is going and work with your doctor to make any necessary adjustments.

When should a woman start HRT?2022-03-29T19:18:48+00:00

Women, if experiencing early menopausal symptoms, can start HRT as early as age 40. We typically treat women in their mid-40s, or if they are experiencing disruptive menopausal symptoms. 

Can I start HRT without seeing a doctor?2022-03-29T19:18:48+00:00

No, you must see a doctor to obtain a prescription to start HRT. 

How is saliva testing used to measure hormone levels?2022-03-29T19:18:47+00:00

In the body, almost all hormones circulating in the bloodstream are bound to carrier proteins. Unlike blood-based tests, saliva diagnostics can measure the amount of free, unbound hormones that are available to act in the body. Salivary concentrations represent the hormone levels that are most likely to impact the body. By measuring these levels, providers can determine which hormones are available and present in excess and where there may be a deficiency.

How is a saliva hormone test performed?2022-03-29T19:18:43+00:00

Saliva tests for hormone levels are non-invasive and stress-free. A patient simply spits into a sterile test tube which is sent to a lab for analysis. Saliva sampling must be done correctly, but today’s collection devices make it easy, and patients can collect samples during the day or night as needed to establish an accurate baseline and measure changes in hormones throughout the day or throughout the month.

Learn More About Hormone Therapy

Our Hormone Pharmacy Specialists at Cornerstone Pharmacy _ Compounding

How Our Hormone Pharmacy
Specialists Can Help You

Our customers’ health and individualized care are our biggest priorities. Meet our hormone pharmacy specialists and find out how we can help you achieve your best health.

How Hormone Therapy Works

How Does
Hormone Therapy Work?

Hormone replacement therapy is complex and requires a highly specialized level of care. Discover how HRT works, its benefits and what you can expect during your treatment.


Request a Test Kit and Hormone Consultation

If you are experiencing symptoms associated with menopause or aging that are causing you discomfort or lifestyle disruption, we recommend you schedule a Hormone Consultation with our pharmacists (LINK TO Meet our hormone pharmacy specialists). We will walk with you on the journey to health, wellbeing and comfort.

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