Resveratrol VESIsorb®


Self-assembling colloid system for enhanced resveratrol absorption

  • In a dissolution study, resveratrol with the VESIsorb delivery system demonstrated 100% dissolution, the ability to dissolve readily in an aqueous environment for absorption, compared to less than 1% for powder
  • Research suggests resveratrol offers support for cellular function, cardiovascular and neurocognitive health, and antioxidant defenses
  • In a recent 30-day randomized double-blind crossover trial, 150 mg resVida resveratrol supported cardiometabolic health. Resveratrol supplementation promoted AMPK, SIRT1 and PGC-1α activity, indicating support for mitochondrial function, as well as healthy blood flow, adipose tissue lipolysis, and hepatic lipid content
  • Each capsule offers 50 mg of enhanced-absorption resveratrol as the highly pure 99% trans-resveratrol resVida”